Supplied needed for the pilgrim hat:
Fudge stripe cookies
Mini reeses peanut butter cups
Yellow writing icing
All you do to make the pilgrim hats is place a fudge stripe cookie upside down, pipe some yellow icing around the hole and place an unwrapped reeses cup upside down onto the cookie. Then pipe a yellow square for the buckle onto the peanut butter cup. You can also pipe a yellow line around the cup if you would like but I thought they looked cute without that.

Double stuff oreo
Chocolate icing
Candy corn
Mini reeses peanut butter cups
Yellow, red and blue icing
For the turkeys you need to take an oreo and pipe chocolate icing on the top of the cookie and place 5 candy corn in for the feathers. You then cut an edge of the reeses and "glue" it onto the oreo using the chocolate icing. Then glue a malt ball on for the head. Then cut the tip of a candy corn off and glue it with the red icing for the nose and add a little woddle (the red thing on turkey's beaks). Then make two dots for the turkey's eyes. Then pipe little feet using the yellow icing.
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